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UPrint How to Order Personal Jobs

UPrint: How to Order Personal Jobs

Written Instructions:

If you are a student or ordering something personal that is not for a department, you will need to place a personal order. This video will show you how to place personal jobs using graduation announcements as an example.

  1. To place a personal order, go to and click on “my account”.
  2. Regardless if you have an active University campus, or University of Utah Health UPrint account, you will need to create a Personal Account to order personal jobs.
  3. To do so, click on “Click here to register” next to Student/Personal Accounts.
  4. Next, type in your email. We highly recommend using a personal email, NOT a university email to set up a personal account.
  5. You only have to type in your email, password, name, address and phone number. You can ignore all other items that say “required”. Click “Add New User”
  6. This will take you back to the login page. Type in your username and password in the fields below and click “login”.
  7. This will take you to your Account page. To place a personal job, click on “Home”  and then on “Shop now” under Personal Jobs.
  8. Since we are using Graduation announcements as the example product in this video, click on “Graduation Items” and then “Graduation announcements”.
  9. This will bring you to the Graduation announcement page. Select the design you want. You can upload your own picture to any of the designs that use a photo.
  10. If you like the look of the white ink announcements but also want to include a picture of the graduate, you can upload the graduate’s picture using the “Upload your own” templates at the bottom of the page.  These templates also allow you to upload and print your own graduation announcement design.
  11. For the purpose of this video, I will select this design.
  12. The image shown on your screen is considered your proof.
  13. Upload a picture by clicking on the upload button. To avoid the image being blurry when printed, be sure to upload a high resolution photo. This is very important. Images MUST BE at LEAST 750 px x 1050 px.
  14. You can check for the images resolution when uploading the photo. My Mac is set on the column setting.  When I click on the image, I can view it’s dimensions on the right side of the screen. If the dimensions show less than 750 x 1050 px, you will need to use another image.  If the image is large enough, click open
  15. This will take you to the Crop page. Adjust the frame’s position to the desired location. If the image’s resolution is on the lower end, we don’t recommend cropping the image as this will reduce the image’s resolution/quality. Only adjust the frame by moving it up or down.
  16. If everything looks good, click save. The image has been added to your proof. You can view the image’s quality by scrolling over it with your mouse. If it looks blurry, upload a higher quality picture.
  17. Next, add the graduate’s information to the card. You can follow the template as outlined, or you can change it up at bit. I want the name on one line instead of 2, so I will type the name all on one line. To see changes, click on “Update Image”.
  18. Here you can edit the graduate’s degree information. You can add multiple degrees as well.
  19. Changes or additions to the card can also be requestested in the special instruction section when checking out. I will show you where that is later on in the video.
  20. To view changes click on “Update Image”
  21. Since the card uses an image, we recommend downloading a pDF Proof before you proceed to order. The pdf proof will give you a better idea of the photo’s quality before you decide to print the announcement. To download a pdf, click on “PDF Proof” and then click on the download at the bottom of the screen.  If the image looks blurry on the pdf proof, it will look blurry when printed. You can zoom up on the image to verify.
  22. If you are satisfied with the announcement, go back to the order screen and click on “Proceed to Order” and “Approve”
  23. Next select the quantity you want.
  24. Next, select the paper.
    • Beargrass paper has a shimmer when in the light
    • Classic Crest Cover 100# is smooth thick cardstock with no finish
    • Sterling Premium Dull Cover 100# is cardstock coated with a matte finish
    • Premium Gloss Cove 100# is cardstock coated with a shiny finish.
    • And Felt Cover 100# is cardstock with a felt texture finish. All announcements include envelopes, shown in the finishing section
  25. The items’ price before shipping is shown in the right hand corner. The price will update depending on quantity and paper selection.
  26. If you decide that you want to make changes to the card, click on “Customize or Review Design”.
  27. If you are ready to checkout, click “Add to Cart”.
  28. The item has now been added to your cart. Type the Name of the graduate in the Memo line. I’ll type Corinne Smart grad announcements.
  29. If you want to add more items to you order, click on the “Add more Items” button.
  30. If you are ready to continue, click “Proceed to checkout”.
  31. It will ask you to sign in if you haven’t already. Make sure to use your personal account login credentials.
  32. Personal jobs can either be picked up at Will Call in Print & Mail’s lobby for free, or we can ship them to you for a shipping fee.
  33. Select your address preference. The address you inserted when signing up for an account should show in the top left. Select that address if you’d like us to ship it there for a fee.
  34. Or if you’d like it shipped to a different address, type in the new address below.
  35. If you’d like to pick it up for free at our lobby, click on the will call option by selecting the top button.
  36. This will bring you to the delivery option page. Typical turnaround for jobs is 3-4 business days. Graduation announcements, are ready for pick-up in 5 business days, so keep it on the first option.
  37. Next select your delivery method. Since I will pick up at will call, I’ll select Customer Pickup.
  38. If you selected to ship your items, the shipping rates are shown below. We recommend selecting FedEx Ground. But for the purpose of this video, I will select customer pickup.
  39. Your total price will show in the order summary. Now click “Continue”
  40. If this screen pops up, type in your name
  41. This will take you to the payment page. Since this is a personal job, you do not need to enter a chartfield. Type in your phone number and we will call you for payment when your item is ready to pick-up. Or enter “Pay by cash/card at pickup”
  42. Next type in your project’s name. I’ll type Paul Smalls grad announcements. And click “Continue”.
  43. Whether you are paying by credit card or cash, the system needs your billing address. Type in your address and click continue
  44. This will take you to the review page. Here is where you can input special instructions. Special instructions can include any request that will change the design of the template. For example, you can ask us to add a link to a go fund me account, or an address to a graduation party. Our team will receive your special instruction and reach out to you to coordinate a new proof. Just note special instructions might delay your turnaround time and affect the price of the item.
  45. If everything looks good, click “Place Your Order”. You will receive an email confirmation with the order number.
  46. To view the order’s status, click on “My Account” and “View Orders”


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